Academic Program
Grades 4 to 5
St. John’s Academy Shawnigan Lake is excited to welcome younger learners into our caring community for Grades 4 & 5. This program will help to further prepare students for the academic challenges of the Middle Years and High School programs within our school. Using the BC curriculum as a framework, this program will be naturally interdisciplinary and inquiry-based, with the aims of developing curiosity, agency, and independence within the learners. These learning experiences will be further complimented by a growing outdoor and experiential education program. Ultimately, our program model places the student at the centre of their learning and aims to develop all of the IB learner profile attributes.
- English Language and Literature
- Mathematics
- Sciences
- Individuals and Societies (Social Studies)
- Language Acquisition: French
- Physical and Health Education (PHE)
- Arts: Drama, Visual Arts
- Applied Design,Skills and Technology (Interdisciplinary)
- Career Education (Interdisciplinary)
Grades 6 to 9
- English Language and Literature
- Mathematics
- Sciences
- Individuals and Societies (Social Studies)
- Language Acquisition: French
- Physical and Health Education (PHE)
- Design
- Arts: Drama, Visual Arts
- Career Education
Grade 10
- English Language and Literature (Composition 10 & Literary Studies 10)
- Mathematics: Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus
- Sciences
- Individuals and Societies (Social Studies)
- Language Acquisition: French 10
- Physical and Health Education (PHE)
- Design
- Visual Art
- Career-Life Education (CLE) / Personal Project
Grade 11
- English Language Arts
- Science: Life Science, Chemistry, and Physics
- Social Studies
- Mathematics: Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus
- Physical and Health Education
- Arts: Studio Art
- Applied Design, Skills, and Technology: Digital Design and Tourism
- Career-Life Education (CLE) / Career-Life Connections (CLC)
Grade 12
Depending on the prerequisites chosen by the student in Grades 10 and 11 the following courses will be offered in Grade 12.
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics: Pre-Calculus
- Sciences: Anatomy and Physiology and Chemistry
- Social Studies
- Physical and Health Education
- Applied Design, Skills, and Technology: Entrepreneurship
- Arts: Studio Art
- Career-Life Connections (CLC): Capstone Project, work experience, and university applications